Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Best Organic Gardening Tips

The following organic gardening tips will help you achieve not only a healthier, but also more economical garden. The greatest thing about these homemade concoctions—ranging from organic fertilizer to weed killer—is that they are made with things commonly found around the house. 

Moreover, while not all aspects of lawn care can be done organically, it is possible to use household cleaning products with relatively low toxicity like ammonia and dish soap on lawn growth instead of the conventional chemicals available on the market.

To Control Weeds:
2 cups of any brand of liquid dish soap (not liquid detergent)
2 cups of ammonia
4 tablespoons of any plain instant tea

Mix the ingredients in a 20 gallon hose end sprayer (and apply) in the heat of the day. Then follow up with any brand of commercially made liquid weed control. 

Thatch Control:
1 can of beer
2 cups of any brand of ammonia
1 cup of liquid dish soap (not liquid detergent)
1 can of regular non-diet cola

Mix these ingredients in a 20 gallon hose end sprayer and evenly apply to the lawn. Heavy thatch may require a second application a week later. Beer contains yeast, enzymes and nutrients that promote good microbial activity, and the same goes for tea, soda, corn syrup and molasses. Ammonia breaks down into nitrates that are readily taken up as a plant nutrient, and nitrogen helps break down thatch. Dish soap helps break the surface tension on water droplets and makes the solution spread over the target plants better.

First published here: The Best Organic Gardening Tips